Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Checklist for Parents’ Will

As parents, you should be prepared to plan for the unthinkable. If one or both parents die, anyone could be assigned as guardians to your children. This means that the courts - not you - would decide their future. So to guide you through the drafting of your will, consider the following steps:

-Pick a guardian for your children as well as their future assets. Think about this thoroughly. Who could be there for them who’ll share your values in the long-term? What’s surprising is that the person may not be your close blood relative or current romantic interest.

-You can choose one person to raise your child and another one to take care of your money.

-Before making the designation, make sure that your guardian will accept this responsibility. Divorced parents should make this guardianship decision together. They could also consider each other to be named as guardian, as the courts would most likely award it to either of them when the other party petitions for it.

-Give a certified “will” copy to your guardian and let them know where you stored the original.

-Pick an attorney who’s board-certified in estates and wills. It would also be best if they had an advanced training or certification to claim their specialized area.





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